Sunday, February 22, 2009

Feeling Blah in the Kitchen Cabinet

I've now been at home for one full week, and I'm sad to report that I don't feel so well at this point.

I just don't know, but I wish I could put my finger on it. I'm dizzy at times and a little nauseous, especially in the mornings. Hrmmmm I hope I'm not getting a stomach bug!

Maybe it's allergies.

With all that is going on, I wanted to stop by and say hi. I've talked with John, and let me tell you, it was a doozy trying to get to Janice's cell phone without her noticing.

Oh! I think she's coming!!! Until I escape again~

Pinky Deere Mug


  1. Pinky Deere, good things are coming. Hang on to your hope. Soon, your joy will be multiplied.

  2. Pinky, dizzy, you say? Nauseous? I haven't seen any signs of it. I can't imagine what you're talking about. But if Pinky's been on my cell, then I'll put a stop to that. From now on, my cell will hang on my belt in the safe little pouch - no access to call JD.

  3. One of the biggest draw backs of online Kitchen Cabinets is that they are RTA. So you save a ton of money but you end up spending days assembling them. One company that is different is Four Less Cabinets They ship cabinets fully assembled and ready to install. Their prices are great and they have a low price guarantee.

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