Sunday, January 11, 2009

ONCE LOST BUT NOW FOUND: The Story of Janice's Cup Tour 2009

I sat alone on a table at La Hacienda Ranch. The room vacated, I weeped as the realization of the situation washed over me. Tears ran down my surface until I saw her. My savior. The one who noticed me all alone. Dawn. My day turned brighter as she lifted me into her arms. She carried me to the door where we talked with Marilyn, Betty and Jackie. Dawn so kindly asked for them to let Janice know that she had me, but then Marilyn--naughty, naughty Marilyn--said, "You should take it on tour and send her photos of its kidnapped adventures."

Oh, Marilyn. Why have you turned on me?

So now I am being held captive, and taken to places I have never seen or heard of. Hewitt? Where on God's green and beautiful earth is Hewitt?

At least she cleaned me up and keeps me safe from the dogs...for now.

I will try to post daily as I find ways to thwart my kidnapper. She is currently eating a salad and watching the Food Network. Woooo. Praise Jesus I'm not a food item.

Pray for me and my safe return to Janice. I miss you!

Until my captor A.D.D.'s again,

Janice's Cup


  1. Too cute. Hang in there Pinkie. If those dogs get to close, just dispense your hot beverage on them.

  2. LOL !!!
    A coffe cup pirate is born.
    What is the ransom?

  3. I have to say, I couldn't believe I left Pinky behind (notice the spelling please). My head wasn't clear, nor my sinus (but that's another matter). Please tell, please, what I must do to retreive my precious Pinky. I know she misses being at home, but to tell the truth, her adventure if probably far better than sitting in a high, dark cupboard waiting to be noticed again.

    All I ask is that you take good care of Pinky. When may I expect her return.

